As long as there are kids who need it...
We have just started crowdfunding project in Japan as a new challenge to gather funding for our school. The idea is that all the profit...

Our new challenge!!
Namaste! We have just started crowdfunding project as a new challenge to gather funding for our school. Thanks to our supporters in...

Amazing scenery
We are happy to inform about 2nd floor for a yoga hall. It starts the rainy season that we have to rush to finish building the roof in...

Yoga hall
Namasute! It has passed almost 6 months since we opened the guesthouse. Gradually the rooms were improved... Hand painting by studebts on...

Report of Study tour in March 2017
Thank you for joining our study tour in spring! Thanks to your support, we finished to tour successfully. Visited Delhi,...

Holi 2017
Happy Holi! We celebrated Holi festival togather as the same as usuall! All students enjoyed putting color on friends faces and dancing...

スタディーツアー2017春 ホリーに参加!
インド人が大好きなホリー祭りに参加しよう! ホーリーとは春の到来を祝い、誰彼無く色粉や色水を掛け合い祝うカラフルなお祭りです。昨今日本でもイベントとして行われる事が多くなりましたがホーリーはヒンドゥー教のお祭りです。ここインドで本場のお祭りに参加しましょう!! ...

Yoga and Meditation retreat in Bodhgaya
This retreat tour is organized by Prema Metta Orphanage School. To join the program is to lead a support for our student. We would like...

Child Sponsorship Program
We have started to accept a application for child sponsorship for the next year. Our school offers study, eating nutritional food, school...

写真の星空はゲストハウスから見えます ブッダガヤまでの行きかた 日本からは飛行機でデリーやコルカタ、ヴァラナシ(ガンジス河で有名な聖地)までの国際線を利用し、その後国内線でガヤ空港に向かうのが一番楽です。 コルカタまではバンコクからLCCで格安チケットがあります。(片道1万...