Donation to a building guest house project

Prema Metta Orphanage Trust School is now undergoing the building a guest house in order to establish alternative sources of income for Prema Metta School. At the same time, we do hope the guest house will also provide employment opportunities for children, who will be unable to earn a living outside.
Fortunately the numbers of student increases at our school, It means there are many children who can study than ever. We will keep our best to expand the opportunity of education. Therefore we need the way to get a steady income.
Your donation can speed up this project! You can donate directly to our account in India or Japan. For more detail, simply drop a message through Facebook or kindly contact us at
We will get back to you at our earliest. Thank you for your kind attention.
Prema Metta Orphanage Trust School では、現在ゲストハウスの建設を進めています。
お問い合わせ、ご協力をいただける方 は、下記あてにご連絡をお願いいたします。